

Title of this post means "sorry." Madonna features it in her song "Sorry", with crippling pronunciation. I almost couldn't recognize it. </japanese snob>

So I've decided that as a person who blogs, I am definitely not corny enough, so every post from now on is going to feature a new word in Japanese! So you can ~expand~ your ~cultural awareness~. yeaaahhhhhh buddyyy

It's been a while. ごめんなさい. The day after my super long lesson plan / 秋葉原 post, I took old lappy to the Kindergarten to format my lesson plan into a Powerpoint (fun fact; I LOVE MAKING POWERPOINTS. Fei commented that she's never seen someone so obsessed with animations and transitions before. The pride, y'all...I felt it.). It worked fine, was all happy and didn't freeze and shit, and then I took it back home to eagerly await the Pottermore announcement (timezone WIN! didn't have to stay up, nyan nyan) aaaaand plugged it into the converter, put the converter into the wall, pressed the on button and....nothing. The light on the charger didn't go on. And lappy no longer has a battery, since it no longer recognizes that it's a battery (lol, gotta love lappy.) so she runs on A/C power...THUPER.

Anywhoodle, Fei heard about this and flipped about 14 shits (fun fact: Japanese people, for being so shy and calm, can get rull emotional when faced with someone else's problems) and kindly offered to take it to the Sony repair shop, and in the meantime lending me her adorable little lappy (IT'S HOT PINK) so I can Skype my parents. Yeahhhh, my parents aren't usually awake at 4am. Whomp. But the dudes at Sony just laughed at my old plug and said that that was all that was wrong, so I get lappy back tomorrow for proper use.

Jumping around ('cause that's what I do,) I'm actually writing this post as I wait for True Blood to buffer on Megavideo. w (ANOTHER fun fact; 'w' is the equivalent to 'lol' in Japanese. It's short for 笑 (wa, which means 'laugh'). I now finally understand the prevalence of wwww randomly interspersed in Japanese online conversations on message boards. Is my nerd showing? Oh right, it always does...

So I'm gonna blog about my first adventure I took in Japan, which was of course with the wonderful Fei. Me and her friend Gen went to Takao (高尾山) to visit the Trick Art Museum! Basically it's a whole place that's filled with optial ollusions. Unfortunately the majority of the pictures were taken on Fei's camera (still can't find her on Facebook, whomp), So I only have a few of the fun ones to share (note: the museum is full of ordinary rooms with flat walls and all that; these artists are bamfs):

Gen balancing precariously

Me getting smashed by boulders
Ironic because this is exactly the opposite of how I feel in Japan. 
The only thing real in this photo is the dark black bench. It's sitting against a wall, painted to look like cushions, and no that cat isn't real, either. It should be, though. OMGSOCUTE

Short post is short. Will post the pretty pictures of Takao on FB as an album, since I'm all blogged out for now. Plenty more to share, though! May have 2 or 3 rapid fire posts this weekend before you're all caught up on my shenanigans.

Now time for me to go and attempt to clean my room. And by "attempt to clean" I mean "sprawl across" and by "room" I mean "bed" www


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